Body Shape Analysis

Style is so much more than just the clothes you wear. It's about your lifestyle and understanding your body shape.

We’ll discover the shapes and styles that flatter you, your lifestyle and personality. We help you avoid mistakes that end up languishing in your wardrobe, unloved and unworn. Plus we’ll give you the tips and tools to shop with confidence and build a wardrobe full of pieces that mix and match to create great outfits for every occasion, that you feel fabulous in.

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Would you like to confirm your body shape and find the cuts and styles that are perfect for you?

Imagine having the confidence to choose clothing, shoes and accessories that complement you, your lifestyle, body shape and create the silhouettes you love.

We’ll share with you a program called My Private Stylist that shows you every cuff, collar and neckline that are great for you based on your measurements, face shape and scale.

Plus you’ll have access to cheat sheets and video tutorials to help you understand your body shape and help you get the most out of the My Private Stylist program.


How it Works?

  • There are 2 delivery options for this service: Individual In-Person Colour & Body Shape Analysis and, a Body Shape Analysis (online). See below for details of each.

  • Individual – from $795

    We start the consultation (in your home) by discussing the results of your Style Questionnaire. Why? Because we believe that getting your style right is the most important part of the process. An outfit can be the perfect colour and fit, but if it makes you feel like an alien (from the planet ‘so not my style’), you’ll never wear it or worse, spend the day feeling uncomfortable in it.

    From there, we’ll start the Body Shape Analysis. We’ll take your measurements and assess your vertical and horizontal proportions. Don’t worry, you’ll be fully clothed and we’ll be respectful when we measure. We understand that some may not feel comfortable with being measured. We can appease these concerns by a) promising that they will be kept ‘in the vault’ only to be accessed by you (or us, if further consultations are scheduled); and b) highlighting how handy having your measurements is for online shopping purchases.

    We put all of your details into a fabulous online portal accessible only by you, which produces a personalised report identifying every cuff, collar, neckline and dress or trouser length that is perfect for you. Imagine, no more guesswork as to whether you should be wearing a pencil or a-line skirt.

    We talk through your results and give you the essentials to remember (the detail is great but sometimes you just need the headlines).

    We then move on to your Colour Analysis. You can wear just about every colour – it’s the shade of the colour that matters. The right colours make you look refreshed, glowing and healthy. The wrong colours can make you look washed out or ill. (Yes, we can even show you some sick day colours so you can miss that event you’ve been dreading – not that we condone that!).

    We’ll use colour drapes to assess the best colour palette for you. Be warned, there will be lots of staring, us at you, you at us and at yourself. We assure you though, it’s all for a very clear purpose. However, if it makes you a little uncomfortable so we give you a break now and again or distract you with witty conversation.

    Then ta-dah, we put together your digital swatch with 150+ of your best colours which you can access on your phone or iPad anytime. It also includes details on make-up and how to wear your colour (plus some other colour tips and theory).

    For those of you who discover they shouldn’t be wearing black we provide tissues and an alternative safe colour.

    After your Colour & Body Shape Analysis, you’ll receive:

    • Access to a personalised online style guide that details every neckline, collar, jacket length, etc that is right for you. The program can be updated twice without charge for any changes such as weight gain/loss or augmentation.

    • A digital colour swatch with 150+ of your best colours;

    • ‘How to Use Your Digital Colour Swatch’ video; and

    • Access to the Style Liberation Colour & Body Shape Portal that provides even more resources to download and digest, plus tips and tools to start you on the next phase of your style journey.

    Book Your Colour & Body Shape Analysis Appointment Here

  • Body Analysis – $275

    We’ve embraced and tested new technology and can now offer your body shape analysis no matter where you’re located. Woohoo!

    We’ll send you an email with detailed instructions and a video on how to complete the measurement sheet. We’ll request a couple of photos so that we can determine your face shape and shoulder line (don’t worry, they go into a vault and we don’t share them with anyone).

    Once we receive the information, allow 5 working days for us to review your measurements, input your details and send you your results.

    You’ll receive:

    • Access to a personalised online style guide that details every neckline, collar, jacket length, etc, that is right for you. The program can be updated twice without charge for any changes such as weight gain/loss or augmentation.

    • ‘How to Navigate Your Style Program’ video, to make the most of your results.

    • Access to theBody Shape Portal that provides information for you to download and digest, plus tips and tools to start you on the next phase of your style journey.

    Purchase Your Body Shape Analysis Here

    Body Analysis Time Limit

    Please note that you have 28 days from the date of purchase/receipt of instructions, to submit your photos and personal information as specified in the Style Liberation instructions. We are unable to accept submissions beyond this timeframe.

  • Style Profile Analysis – $595

    You can get your Style Profile analysis no matter where you are located! We send you instructions on taking photos and measurements and answering some questions and have you send these to us through a secure portal.

    We then get busy to analyse your full Style Profile.

    We start with your Style Questionnaire. Why? Because we believe that getting your style right is the most important part of the process. An outfit can be the perfect colour and fit, but if it makes you feel like an alien (from the planet ‘so not my style’), you’ll never wear it or worse, spend the day feeling uncomfortable in it.

    From there, we’ll undertake your Body Shape analysis. We will assess your vertical and horizontal proportions, scale and more.

    We then move on to your Colour Analysis. We’ve embraced and tested new technology so you can have a Colour Analysis just as accurate as in in-person consult. We put your photos and information through our magic filters (i.e. software and our eagle eyes) to determine your best colours. We have two of our formally trained and experienced stylists review your results to make sure your analysis is absolutely correct.

    Then ta-dah, we put together your digital swatch with 150+ of your best colours which you can access on your phone or iPad anytime. It also includes details on make-up and how to wear your colour (plus some other colour tips and theory).

    For those of you who discover they shouldn’t be wearing black, we can send you tissues and an alternative safe colour.

    After your Style Profile Analysis, you’ll receive:

    • An email with your full Style Profile results and what that means for you

    • Access to a personalised online style guide that details every neckline, collar, jacket length, etc that is right for you. The program can be updated twice without charge for any changes such as weight gain/loss or augmentation.

    • A digital colour swatch with 150+ of your best colours;

    • ‘How to Use Your Digital Colour Swatch’ video; and

    • Access to the Style Liberation Style Profile Portal that provides even more resources to download and digest, plus tips and tools to start you on the next phase of your style journey.

    Purchase Your Style Profile Analysis here.

    Style Profile Analysis Time Limit

    Please note that you have 28 days from the date of purchase/receipt of instructions, to submit your photos and personal information as specified in the Style Liberation instructions. We are unable to accept submissions beyond this timeframe.

  • We don’t leave you in the lurch. It can take a little time to feel confident with the tools that you’ve been given, so we’re here to answer all of your questions and provide ongoing advice. Don’t be shy! We love it! Plus we want to hear about your successes, and how much joy you get from hearing people say “that outfit looks a-mazing on you!”………. and how much pleasure it brings to think to yourself, “I know”.

  • Do you have a few friends or family that would love to have both their Colours and Body Shape done? Round up your nearest and dearest and host a Group Colour Analysis session for up to 5 people. The session works the same way as the in-person analysis, just more fun.

    To book your 2-person Colour and Body Shape Analysis, click here.

    If you are interested in a larger group, please email us at [email protected].


“I was really, really astonished to hear that I had this fabulous body shape because I really hadn't connected that before. So that gave me confidence again.

I'm being noticed. I’d been feeling like I just faded into the background that if I went and joined a queue for something, I was invisible. I’m not invisible now.

I would say to other women - just do it. I think a lot of women have thought about doing something like this as we’re used to seeing all the transformation shows on TV and admiring them and thinking, ‘Oh yeah, that's not really for me, or it's only for a select few’. But this is
accessible, it's easy, and you can do it at your own pace.”

Anne Crozier

“I have recently had the pleasure of going through the entire SL colour and style process with Kristi and have learnt so much about myself – colours that bring out my best, my body type/shape, what looks great on me, what values shape my shopping and lots, lots more. I am so excited by the confidence that this process has brought me and I particularly love the certainty I now feel in my shopping and outfit choices. If you too are in need of liberation, I highly recommend booking in to see her. You won't regret it and you’ll finally know why that shirt in your cupboard never works, no matter what you put on with it, and why you really should and can wear (your) green……”

Alison Helmrich

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