Meet the Team
Fiona Keary
Every day starts in front of your wardrobe, so it should be fun and inspiring. However, we know after working with women for over 13 years, for some, it fills them with dread. There are a few reasons for that:
1. Your wardrobe feels blah or boring
2. Nothing fits
3. You’ve got gaps in your wardrobe
4. Nothing mixes and matches
We get it. We hear you. We've been there.
At Style Liberation, we've created five steps to help you transform your wardrobe. We help you discover your style personality, colour palette, and body architecture. We give you the tools to create outfits you love and feel amazing in.
Our clients get excited about getting dressed in the morning because they can put together a great outfit quickly and easily.
What we love the most, though, is when we work with our clients and they look at themselves in the mirror, love what they see, and feel great and confident in their own skin.
That's what we want for our clients.
Many women believe you have to be born with this innate sense of style to put together a great outfit and create a wardrobe full of outfits they love. I'm here to tell you; you don't. If an ex-accountant who loved fashion and had no idea can now put together outfits that work and teach others to do it - you can too.
Kristi Gooden
I’m Kristi Gooden. I'm an image consultant and personal stylist for Style Liberation.
I've been doing this job now for about eight years. And I have to say, I think I love it more and more every single day. It's one of those jobs where I get to help clients hone and develop their authentic style, and to see that is a thrill and a privilege because then I get to see their confidence grow. They learn their style personality, body architecture, colour palette, and that comes together as their style profile.
Knowing this information allows them to cut out all the noise of the retail industry. It's life-changing stuff for our clients because women are good at being rough on themselves. And we're often holding ourselves to a completely unachievable standard.
We help clients understand that wanting to look good isn't about vanity or superficiality. It's about walking taller, being more confident socially and professionally, and allows them to be kinder to themselves. So this job, for me, really, really speaks to my feminist soul.
Alice Weily
I’m Alice Weily, a personal stylist and image consultant.
I became a consultant after initially being a client of Style Liberation. I was at a stage of my life where I had finished working in a corporate industry to have kids. I noticed I had started to lose my old self a little as I donned, what I considered, my ‘mum uniform’ to look after my young children. I didn’t know exactly why certain clothes didn’t make me feel great and I didn’t know how to incorporate outfits that made me feel like me into my busy new lifestyle raising kids.
After going through the process, I had firsthand experience in seeing the change that comes with knowing what works for you. It was not about the clothes but about how I felt. Giving myself permission to think about myself and the confidence and joy that followed was something I knew I had to share with others.
It is so liberating to know that your self-portrayal and style don’t have to be a complete defining reflection of your lifestyle, your job, or what the sales assistant in the shop says looks great and is all the rage. You can incorporate all those things to work with you and that is how it should be. To know why you like certain things and not others, to give yourself permission to unapologetically just be you and make it work is such a powerful thing, and having the theory to support it just takes it up a notch.
This doesn’t feel like a job for me. it feels more like I get to give this gift to women and watch them thrive and that brings me so much joy.
Nicole Sauer
Prior to joining the Style Liberation team, I worked in management within male-dominated industries. After a delightful left turn in my career direction, I was fortunate enough to start working with amazing women – both my Style Lib colleagues and our awesome clients.
Although my role is predominantly behind the scenes, Kristi has taken me through the full Style Liberation process available to clients; from identifying my own style personality, learning to accept and dress for my body, identifying my colours and returning to what really suits me, reducing my bulging wardrobe and learning how to shop without impulse or waste. For my entire working life, I was either wearing a uniform or black corporate suits and now I love love love wearing colour and dressing for me.
I can honestly say it works. It’s not about brands or fashion or the latest trend. I now have the confidence in what to wear, how to wear it, how to mix n’ match, and how to get the most out of my clothes across seasons. And I now pack like a pro when going away (mostly!).
It is a privilege for me to work with and support Fiona, Kristi, Emma and Alice – they are genuine, warm and real. And it is so rewarding to watch our clients ‘get it’ and the relief and confidence they feel when they begin to understand their theory. It really is liberating. Trust the process ladies!